Thursday, June 21, 2007


A decision has been made... we're moving back to Boston. We hate to leave this beautiful state, but really it's only the state that's keeping us here. We have no friends, no family, no support system, just the fact that it's Vermont. And that, unfortunately, turns out to not be enough.

It will be hard to leave, hard to go back and admit defeat. But we will be surrounded by our support network again, by the people who really know us, the people we want to help raise our child. We will be able to work on our relationship without the overwhelming pressure of being totally alone.

And there's REALLY good ethnic food (Indian, Vietnamese, sushi, pizza, etc.), Target, Whole Foods.

It's home. We're going home.


Blogger Kirsten said...

I'm sorry you didn't find the community you need in Burlington. I would've loved to get together had we not been on opposite sides of the state. I totally understand where you're coming from though. Our family and friends are a mere hour and a half away and still it seems like we're completely isolated here. There's lots of nice people we've met here too but there's really no way to replace long standing friendships, especially when so much else is changing in your life (ie. new baby).
We all crave stability and familiarity at crazy times. I hope your move goes well and that you find peace and comfort at home.
I'll continue to read your blog though so keep us updated!

6:07 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

Welcome home, baby. You really made my day (I went from cranky to ecstatic in 2.2 seconds)... it's a good decision in so many different ways. You say it yourself underneath your pic -- 'every day is a new journey,' right? Amen to that.

9:56 PM  

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