Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Today I am sad. No reason, maybe simply the fact that I am somewhat bored and my little boy is teething (clingy, pissy, yelling, etc). Our new apartment is coming together, but not as fast as I would like. I just want it done. You know, like RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!!!!! I'm starving, but I have no idea what to eat, or what even sounds appealing.


And then, of course, there's that feeling like "Hey, this isn't supposed to be happening! I moved back here to stop being unhappy and bored. So why is it continuing?" Yeah, there's wishful thinking.

Anyway. I'll post pics of the apartment once it's in a state that I don't mind sharing with you all.

Hugs till then.


Blogger faye said...

This entry sounds like me, yesterday, the first official day of my period this month. Everything sucked. I knew what to eat, though: 6 cookies. Yes, 6.

8:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You know, I was sad today too, for no clear reason. The morning started out fine, making pancakes and coffee, but by afternoon I was miserable. I spent some time IMing with friends in SF, which helped some.

Let me know if you want me to come by on Thurs? I leave town on Friday for a bit :)

Hugs to you and the little one.

11:41 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

Man, I hate that feeling... when everything - even those little things like not knowing what to eat - just totally sucks. It's such a downward spiral.

Isn't it strange and irritating when you change your situation but find your feelings are still the same? That's a lesson I learn over and over and over again. Not sure how to get past that.

You and me, we gotta get our groove back. Like Stella. Figure out the source of our unhappiness and boredom - I think it's so different for each of us, but I think the feeling is similar - and work with it somehow. Or something.

Sorry for the babbling. Time for bed. xoxo

10:26 PM  

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