Wednesday, January 09, 2008

a challenge and a success

The Challenge:

I've been futzing around a whole bunch of creative, artsy blogs on the internet in my free time these days and I'm feeling very inspired. So, on that note, I am going to try to do some sort of art/crafting (photography, collage, knitting, sewing, etc.) every single day for 30 days. Admittedly, it'll probably end up being photography most of the time, because it's the easiest and fastest for me, but it'll still be good.

If you can't get your creative juices flowing on your own, figure out ways to help yourself do it. And I will, of course, post pictures of everything here.

The Success:

I figured out a system that keeps me accountable to myself! On my calendar, at the end of every single day, I write a V if I've taken my vitamin, an F if I have flossed, a W if I have washed my face, and an E if I have exercised. And now I guess I'll add an A if I've done my art for the day.

It seems so silly that I have to do this. These are all very little things, but they're things that I want to do every day so that I will feel better, and they're things that I generally don't remember to do on my own. But if I have a place to write them down then I am more likely to do them. Incredible! Awesome! And so far it's working!


Blogger Kirsten said...

Hey margaret! It's been a while. I was just catching up on your blog and it looks like you and your boy are doing well! I'm so glad.
You are one of my favorite blogger mamas and I wanted to add my two cents and say PLEASE don't stop writing your personal posts! They're beautiful because they're raw and true and I hope that one dumby doesn't cause you to stop expressing yourself and reaching out to other mamas like myself.
Anyways... good luck with your artsy days! Can't wait to see more pictures and hear about all you're accomplishing!

7:38 PM  

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