Sunday, March 06, 2005

Day 6

Breakfast: Kashi with rice milk.
Lunch: one rice cake with peanut butter and jam.
Dinner: red lentil and coconut soup with cauliflower and kale, served over brown basmati rice. And holy crap, let me tell you it was THE BEST dinner of all time!

Water: 1 cup of tea, 40-ish oz. (I'm doing really badly on the water).
Exercise: 20 minutes *hard* walking, really got my heart-rate up.
Sleep: a full 8.5 hours, absolutely amazing.

I just can't get over how good I feel. And now, all of a sudden, I'm having these strange thoughts about eating this way for the rest of my life. Obviously not completely, because I refuse to absolutely give up the foods I love. It's more that I'm coming to realize that I don't NEED chocolate or cheese to survive.

The strangest thing for me is limiting my bread intake. I've given up everything else that we're not eating now. In highschool I didn't eat chocolate for a year, I became a vegetarian for a year. I've given up dairy for a month or two in the past. But bread? Nothing could ever take my beloved bread away from me. It's been the hardest part, but even then, it's not as hard as I thought it would be. The hardest was being in Whole Foods the other day and realizing that I was standing in the middle of the baked goods section, none of which I could eat. I swear I almost went into hysterical eating rampage right then and there.

And I'm off to yoga shortly. Working on taking care of myself.


Blogger Mia Goddess said...

Margaret - It is pure joy to see the differences in your posts over the last week! I am so happy for you in every way.

11:30 AM  

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